Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Abortions & fear, ntcc style

I'm going to interupt the run down of my life journey thru ntcc for the following:

I was sitting here thinking about the blog and thought Lord, where shall I start next? I mean after all, if I put every single little detail in here, we'd be here accounting for 13+ years worth. And I immediately got the following three situations (names will not be included as 2 parties didn’t want their names shared and the other I didn’t obtain permission to share).

·  Shortly after leaving ntcc a friend took me to a few classes for healing. In one class they end with people that pray over you and any topas (Greek for strong holds) in your life, etc. I was sitting and talking to someone prior to my prayer session. She asked me my story. I gave a very brief scenario. She asked what church I used to attend. When I told her she said OH! I recognized the tone but didn't ask. Later I did however ask what that meant. She shared she's helped people who have left the very same church and heard many stories and shared one with me that just takes the prize. She said that she worked part time as a counselor at a women’s clinic. She said two women on separate occasions came in for an abortion. Both women attended the seminary at ntcc in Graham, WA. They both were too afraid to tell anyone and both claimed they didn’t have family or friends that could help them or that would understand. THIS is what ntcc is creating! RWD, MCK you have instilled fear into these people. The bible tells us to love the sinner, not condemn them.  Those young women were horrified and now they will live with this for the rest of their lives. This lady shared with me their fear of what would happen if anyone knew they had sex, much less got pregnant. Sin is sin but God doesn’t condemn people the way ntcc does! God still loves them and patiently waits for them. At ntcc you learn how to ACT perfect. Thespians is what you get from ntcc. If you want a real relationship with God, LEAVE - God is waiting to love you!
·  Friend A – wants to leave ntcc. She has visited other churches on occasion. Her husband is aware and is fine with it. She told me that her husband agrees with her. She has shared how she knows that church shouldn’t be the way ntcc is. She said the only reason they haven’t left yet was her husband was too scared to leave. RWD, MCK, this isn’t a small man, he’s very well built and he has been beaten down so mentally he’s afraid to leave. Don’t laugh borg leaders, you will be held accountable (yes, I know you will eventually sneak and read this and I can already hear your snarly little comments!).
·  Friend B – also wants to leave ntcc but her husband is not convinced (YET but I’m praying!!). She fears she may have to up and leave without him. I pray not, but more so I pray for their salvation, sanity, and marriage. Ntcc – do you pray for their marriage? No, if she leaves, you’ll tell him it’s ok brother, your wife left, here, have someone else’s left over’s.

For those who feel helpless, hopeless, have no where to turn, it's not true. If you are feeling disparaged, and feel you have no one who cares, if you feel God isn't there, it isn't true! He is. You can always email me and I will be happy to talk with you. My direct email address is Hope and healing is out there for you, ntcc isn't the end of the road. It's the road you should leave behind you.

1 comment:

Don and Ange said...

Kat said:

" THIS is what ntcc is creating! RWD, MCK, and all the rest, this blood has your name on it."

Don said:

R-Dub and Kekel remind me of that lawyer in Luke 10 that stood up and tempted God by asking Jesus, What shall I do to inherit eternal life? Jesus in turn asked him, "What does the law say?" The Lawyer went on to quote scripture, "Love the Lord thy God with all your soul, strength, mind and love your neighbor as yourself." Jesus said, "Correct, Do this and live". Then the Lawyer willing to justify himself asked, "And who is my neighbor"? Then Jesus went on to tell the Lawyer about the Good Samaritan, which we all know involved a man that was beaten and left half dead. The Priest and the Levite both walked by on the other side of the street and did nothing while the Samaritan bound up his wounds, put him on his own beast, took him to a motel and paid for his stay and gave money for someone to tend to him. Jesus asked the Lawyer, Who was neighbor to this man? The Priest? The Levite? Please forgive me for condensing this story and paraphrasing a little, but without changing the meaning of anything, I didn't want to copy and paste a bunch of scripture that all of your readers most likely know already.

But my point is this. Who have Davis or Kekel ever been a neighbor to? They walk by on the other side of the road when they see someone suffering. When people come to Davis or Kekel with real problems, they are not a neighbor to them. "Pray about it brother". Yeah, right. It's all judgment, and gloom and doom. Victims of sexual abuse have come to them many times and they are never consoled. Often times the abusers are shown more mercy and understanding than their victims.

We heard of this not too long ago on another blog, about the ntcc women having abortions out of fear. Davis and Kekel have created this environment of fear. We all know how these women would have been treated if they went to Davis and told him they were pregnant. Davis would not be a neighbor to them. The ntcc leaders frustrate the Grace of God. Jesus is full of grace and mercy and didn't go around condemning people for their past.

Davis has always done what he considers to be in the best interest of his precious organization. Kekel does what Davis and Tanya tell him to do. People that are struggling in the ministry and come to Davis or Kekel with issues and are often blasted during conferences, or humiliated during fellowship meetings in front of their peers and their congregants. They in turn do the same things to the ones that love and respect them. It's a vicious cycle.