Welcome. This is my first post and first attempt at blogging. I have recently started following other blogs that have the same mission - to help others who have left ntcc (New Testament Christian Church) find their voice and find healing. Whether you are an Xer, exploring leaving, wondering why you are in a religion and don't seem to find God, please know you are welcome! If you are one of those still in a cult and wish to challenge, I suppose you're welcome too but you may not like hearing the truth.
I was in the ntcc for just over 13 years. Since leaving, I have had to deal with trying to heal and recover. Those of us who were sucked into the manipulative control of ntcc lost years of our lives, our families’ lives, etc. NTCC teaches if your family isn't saved you leave them behind. They will quote the bible to you in a twisted way to make you believe it is right. They will tell you to leave the unsaved family members by quoting: KJV Luke 9:60 Jesus said unto him, Let the dead bury their dead: but go thou and preach the kingdom of God. They will tell you they are dead spiritually - leave them and tell you to only do "God's work".
Let's talk about God's work. God didn't tell us to abandon our family. He didn't tell us to ignore the poor, the sick, the hungry. Because yes, they thumb their noses at the homeless, the unemployed, those in need, etc.
Jesus did tell us to go and preach the kingdom of God but I challenge any one to show me where in the bible it tells you to neglect your family and those around you in the world. In fact, in Matthew 9:10, it says:
And it came to pass, as Jesus sat at meat in the house, behold, many publicans and sinners came and sat down with him and his disciples.
And in Mark 2:13-17 it says:
13 Once again Jesus went out beside the lake. A large crowd came to him, and he began to teach them. 14 As he walked along, he saw Levi son of Alphaeus sitting at the tax collector’s booth. “Follow me,” Jesus told him, and Levi got up and followed him.
15 While Jesus was having dinner at Levi’s house, many tax collectors and sinners were eating with him and his disciples, for there were many who followed him. 16 When the teachers of the law who were Pharisees saw him eating with the sinners and tax collectors, they asked his disciples: “Why does he eat with tax collectors and sinners?”
1 7 On hearing this, Jesus said to them, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.” (I can add more scriptures but these 2 make a point).
So they don't want you to spend time with your unsaved family or friends. Well the bible tells me that God came to save those who are lost. Even Christ ate with the unrighteous when He was here on earth. How else would you reach those who are lost? The ntcc often said we weren't called to have a soup kitchen. We weren't called to play sports. We weren't called to this that and the other. Well Jesus walked seeking those who were lost. And while the leaders in ntcc will preach these things at you, their children are participating in sports. Now, don't get me wrong, NOW I know there is nothing wrong with sports. I enjoy football! GO Niners (ok when the season rolls back around). But the leaders at ntcc are so corrupt and so deceitful. Check out any of the blogs or come back to mine from time to time. I'll share more as time goes on. There is quite a bit out there on these various blogs and I only hope and wish others will stand up and bring more to light so the truth comes out about how this church really is.
They twist the scripture and brainwash you into believing what they say. When I attended, even when I went to their seminary, any time I read the bible, I could always hear what they said as I read. They tell you repeatedly if you question what they say, it's just the devil and if you give in to those thoughts and leave you're going to hell.
Because of all the brain washing we didn't get to enjoy family time. Yet the leaders did. You always had to work, work, work. All work is of the Old Testament. Jesus came and offered grace. He didn't want us to do nothing but work. Works will NOT get us into heaven. When I make friends with sinners I'M NOT going to hell. In fact, over time, I will show them the love in my heart and that my friend is how you win a sinner to Christ. NOT by forcing them to go or condemning them for not going. If I go to a bowling alley and make a new friend and over the course of time they see the love of God in me and come to know him, I did more than what ntcc has done.
Again there is so much to say and I want to blog from the beginning (I suppose, unless that changes) and allow the events of my life to unfold during the course of my life with ntcc. But for now, I will jump to the end. I spent the last few years of my life at ntcc miserable. All I could think was I HAD to keep going to ntcc though my heart knew this wasn't a place of God. I was finally realizing ntcc wasn't all they make their self out to be. I wanted to leave more than anything but the repeated brain washing left me feeling like if I left, I'd be on a one way ticket straight to hell. I went into a deep depression I had spiraled so bad that I honestly felt God allowed me to be born to show if he wanted to create a mistake, I would be it. I wanted to be dead more than anything. I had someone who did some work for my job once a week and she saw me in despair (I'm sure God showed her). She kept encouraging me to attend church she went to. I eventually got to the point all I wanted to do was go no where that had anything to do with God. This is sadly a feeling many people go thru at ntcc.
Eventually I left. After leaving, I went to a counselor. Not knowing anything about the former church (yet) I was diagnosed with severe depression and PTSD. As time would unfold my life, the counselor discovered I had a bad childhood but it was nothing compared to the mental control that comes from ntcc. PTSD is something that is sadly a part of leaving a cult such as ntcc. You struggle with everything you were brainwashed into believing. Fortunately I have been healing and able to move on and press forward. Unfortunately, my three sons aren't even close to being ok from our time there. They say it takes 1,000 'atta boys' to undo 1 bad thing said. After 13 years of being brain washed, one can only wonder how much time it will take to undo the damage done.
The next post I create will start from my beginning, how and why I came to ntcc. Until then; may you have a wonderful, peace filled life. May love abound and grace be upon you.
Hey Kat! This is a nice blog! We like how you contrast the ntcc false doctrine with the true Word of God. It shows how effective the mind control techniques were at getting us to ignore the simple truth in the bible. Hopefully your blog and the other blogs will help others wake up and embrace the truth of the gospel again and put the Word of God above the words of men. That way the people can become free from the legalism and fear and enjoy the free gift of salvation again.
Congrats on the new blog! I was in the Ntcc from 85-91,so glad to be free! Last week I enjoyed watching my younger brother coach his team in a sectional final at the Carrier Dome in Syracuse New York. If I was still in the ntcc I woild be hearing some blowhard hypocrite preaching me into the ground for being among sinners! Thank God for deliverance, keep up the good work!
You guys do a great job keep up the good work!
My wife really does not like me spending time on these blogs, so i only check in hit and miss....
Thanks Don & Ange! I will try to add scripture as I go.
You guys have been a wonderful tool for so many so far (along with others such as "Chief") I want to just help out and continue along with. If your blog helps some and mine others and so on and so forth, I'm down!
Bernie, was your wife in ntcc at all? I think I read once you said she thought this is gossiping. Prayerfully she'll see that it is healing. Some people take years to heal. Being on the blogs will help you heal and it will allow you to share if something comes up. You might learn things you didn't know happened but it can also prompt a memory in which you can bare witness to the situation. Sometimes memories are forgotten but a key word can bring light to a situation. If memories are brought to light, if people become strong enough to heal and speak up, maybe this group of brainwashing schmucs will get stopped!
And blowhard hypocrites are exactly what they are. Let me clarify. NTCC blowhard hypocrites. While they were preaching us into the ground, they didn't seem to have a problem with the Kekel's son playing every sport he was interested in. Congrats on your brothers success as a coach.
Thank you for beginning to share from your experience. This in itself is a healing ministry... think about it... those who were severely wounded.. you have opened this forum as a place to heal... thanks! (I was in the NTCC from 1974-1982)
Ok - I changed the way the comments are - YAY - hopefully all is well now??!! =)
I'm going to start working 'On the beginning' - how I came to ntcc and work forward. When I have a little bit done, I'll keep going forward. If anyone has any topic they want to bring to light, please feel free to email me at mommakat01@yahoo.com I will keep your name private if you want. Otherwise, I'll put post along the way. My main wish is everyone finds a place of healing. One of the most important things is knowing we left broken but we are not broken people! You might feel you are. You may have been made to feel like you weren't worth anything but you are! Never stop believing you are a wonderfully loved child of God! Don't give in, it's giving the ntcc leaders permission to keep beating you.
Anonymous - yes they are indeed. And please feel free to share. May you continue to heal and find peace. You are free! Therefore you are winning!!
I'm totally healed. Actually I was never wounded. Any problems I had as a result of being in the ntcc ended the minute I left the church. I just realized that I'd been had. Tricked.
Well, I'm not in any denial about the deleterious effects NTCC had on me; they were wounds and although they've healed, scars remain. I'm glad there is another venue available for people to learn the truth about these control freak megalomaniacs. Informing the world about one's abusers is therapeutic and certainly useful to others.
I'm not in denial either Vic. The ntcc really didn't mess me up emotionally. No depression, no meds required, no bad dreams or trouble sleeping. Just the unfortunate knowledge that I was tricked. Not about Jesus but about what the ntcc actually stood for. What Pastor Davis and Pastor Kekel stood for. Its apparent that they didn't stand for anything but the insatiable desire to accumulate money and property. And I gave that money so that's how I was had. Tricked. Some people do need healing and I understand that but I don't. I need a refund for all the money that was tricked into giving under false pretense.
Anonymous said: I need a refund for all the money
Kat says: If that ain't the truth!
But Anon - I'm glad you're ok - how long were you in? I would like to know a little more about your time in as one of my main goals is helping others heal. Since you're doing well that is good - I wonder how many people walk away "Ok" and how many dont. I know my guess is better of 90% don't walk away ok. I think the longer one is in, the more you do, etc. the worse off you leave. The more decieved one feels. If you don't feel comfortable sharing here, you can send me a confidential email at mommakat01@yahoo.com
Kat, Thanks for the new comment format. :-)
Bernie and Anon- You were both right on target about the NTCC hypocrite blowhards condemning people while Grant Kekel played football at his private academy:
CWA Blog:
MaxPreps Statistics:
Learning this fact was such a slap in the face. I was in the conference where Jim McKay was reamed for 'allowing' the brothers to play football on the day of a fellowship meeting. Whoopie Doo! I heard my late husband talk about what a great (baseball) throwing arm Ed Mears had; but he would never "be allowed" to live out that dream or fulfill his potential in that area, thanks to the stupid hypocrite ntcc 'leaders' RULES!
Anybody who was in ntcc during those years of oppression of the kids, who learned of kekels' hypocrisy should have left ntcc immediately and permanently!!!!
If they didn't, then I'm disappointed in them. Shame, shame, shame.
What kind of parent does that to their kids?????
Wow. smh
Then those parents who stay in snot and blow about how their kids don't want to "serve God". BALONEY. They just don't want to be slaves to self-serving hypocrites like their parents have abased themselves to do all those years. Yuck. Can't blame the kids. Or God. Staying in ntcc has nothing to do with serving God.
Wow DnA - we've known it was true about Grant playing ball but now we have facts to go with it - thanks for posting that! It is truly amazing what schlum hypocrites they are!
Sadly, I was one of those mothers who put the hypocrisy of brainwashing slumming hypocrites of ntcc first and it affected my boys. THANK GOD I got out though and I confessed my errors and I have confessed it to my boys. My oldest saw the church for what it really was before I ever saw it.
One thing is the women are stripped down so much and feel like nothing. Most go in already broken - you have to be somewhat broken (meaning having had a traumatic child hood or no positive reinforcement growing up, feeling inadequate, etc.) to go in there and stay in for any long period of time. I was - I had lots of trauma before and had plenty more during my time in. God showed me it ALL was a lie thank God. WOMEN IF YOU ARE STILL IN HEAR OUR PLEAS - GET OUT YOU ARE WORTH SO MUCH MORE THAN THEY WILL EVER EXPRESS TO YOU!!! GET OUT AND FIND YOUR NET WORTH! I promise you are worth it!!!
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