Well, well, well, congratulations is in order for the Kekel's - seeing how they recently renewed their wedding vows. Oh but wait, no need to stop just there. How many of you got married in an ntcc cult chapel and were told nothing fancy? How many of you ladies had to wear something simple, no fancy decorations, well no decorations period? How many of you had no big reception, or no reception either? How many men just wore their "Sunday suit & tie" to tie that not?
I believe you all raised your hands. Then please someone tell me WHY the kekel's had a HUGE whoopty doodles to renew their vows? Yes, the big fancy, extravagant dress; the fancy dresses for the flower girls. OH and did I mention the trains on the dresses? How about the decorations? How about the decorations in the fellowship hall? The crystals and glitz and glamour of it all. Nice wedding cake too! WOW
So these folks never cease to amaze me! And those that were there watching all this, what did you think? I bet you wanted to question how they can but you cant and didn't have the ability to do so because deep inside you there is fear and the brainwashed idea of you can't speak up. WELL follow your gut. If you thought it, you were probably right! I don't write this blog in hate. I write it in love to say it's just not right! I wouldn't give into my curiosity because of the brainwashing but thank GOD that I finally listened to Him. You have 2 voices in you. The one that is God telling you this isn't right has been beaten down by the brainwashing voice you hear saying it's not of god to question. Well God says it is. Need scripture to prove it? Message me and we can go there.
Another thing that is bothering me that just happened yesterday; I was gone all day. Knock, knock, knock - guess who? It was them cult folks out there Soul winning". My son said yeah my mom used to go there and they went on and on and on. They told my son, 'do you remember Sister Eaton's son, Christian?' and my son said yes. They went on to say, 'well his mom stopped coming too but he still comes without her. he doesn't have to and you can too.' Ok I MUST share, since they are using this young man for an example YET it wasn't too many years ago as a young teen, he was investigated for molesting children of an ex ntcc member. The church dismissed it b/c she left and she "Had a truckers mouth". WHAT!!!! What does a truckers mouth have to do with a serious allegation such as this? Yes, it ended up not going very far with the police and I will tell you why . . . . . THEY - ntcc gave credibility for this boy b/c he and his mom attended church. ***Now I am not going to say he did or didn't do it BUT children don't usually know how to say sexual things happened to them just from imagination. It came from somewhere and her children said he did. I do know for an absolute fact that he used to babysit for the mother of the small children. She never allowed it after that. This all comes directly as I recall it b/c I was friends with both mothers at the time.
It's a sad place I'm telling you to twist the rules to work for the kekels and to protect the alleged of such things and they ALWAYS do it. Yes, no church, no place is perfect and each has there share of people as such but why folks do you follow this kind of 'church'/cult? If you have that deep intuitional instinct of run, you should! If you have that instinct of ask, you can but they're just going to treat you like the devil if you do - so I'd plan on leaving after asking, or better yet, just leave and find that God really isn't a slave master. He's a love master and he wants to love and bless you!
Sunday, October 27, 2013
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Sports Talk . . . . .
I have an employee who always wanted to do a sports blog. He's been like a son to me and I try to mentor him as sort of a spiritual mom. I encouraged him to start a blog and he did. I'm going to post a link on my blog. Feel free to check it out and he gives permission to anyone else who wants to share the link. He would LOVE any comments and interaction (even if you don't agree with his comments - PS - Matt, if you check this out, He's a Seahawks fan and a Chargers fan too yucky! - he went way wrong there with the Chargers!!! lol)
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